How To Get Sharpie Out Of Converse Shoes? (Simple Tips)

Have you ever had a pesky Sharpie stain on your favorite pair of Converse shoes that just won’t go away? Whether you’re dealing with a stubborn ink stain or a permanent marker design gone wrong, it can be difficult to know how to get Sharpie out of Converse shoes without damaging them.

In this article, we’ll cover a few different methods on how to get Sharpie out of Converse shoes, as well as some tips for preventing future stains and some alternatives to home remedies.

Keep reading to learn more!

Short Answer

To get sharpie out of converse shoes, you can use a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad or cotton swab and gently wipe the area with it.

You can also use nail polish remover or hydrogen peroxide, but be sure to test it on a small area first to make sure it wont damage the material.

If all else fails, you can use a mild detergent and warm water to scrub the area, then rinse off with clean water.

What You’ll Need

When it comes to removing Sharpie from Converse shoes, you’ll need a few simple items that you may already have around the house.

To get started, you’ll need rubbing alcohol, a cotton ball, toothpaste, a toothbrush, a wet cloth, white vinegar, and a container for mixing.

The rubbing alcohol and the vinegar will act as solvents to break down the ink molecules, while the toothpaste and toothbrush provide the necessary abrasion to help scrub away any remaining ink.

Depending on the severity of the Sharpie stain, you may need to use multiple methods to completely remove the ink.

With the right supplies and a little elbow grease, you’ll be able to get those Sharpie marks off your shoes in no time!

Rubbing Alcohol Method

Rubbing alcohol is one of the best methods for removing Sharpie marks from Converse shoes.

Its simple, easy, and inexpensive! To start, grab a cotton ball and soak it in rubbing alcohol.

Then, gently rub the cotton ball onto the Sharpie mark, and you should start to see the Sharpie coming off.

As an added bonus, rubbing alcohol is also great for disinfecting the area afterwards, which is especially important if youre dealing with a permanent marker that has been used on a dirty shoe.

If the rubbing alcohol doesnt do the trick, you can always try using a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Simply apply a generous amount of toothpaste onto the Sharpie mark and then use a toothbrush to scrub the area.

Again, you should start to see the Sharpie coming off.

Once youve removed the Sharpie, you can use a wet cloth to clean the area and let the shoe dry.

Finally, you can try using a cleaning solution made from white vinegar and water.

Simply mix equal parts of white vinegar and water together and then use a cloth to apply the solution to the Sharpie mark.

Again, you should start to see the Sharpie coming off.

Once youve removed the Sharpie, you can use a wet cloth to clean the area and let the shoe dry.

Toothpaste Method

The toothpaste method is an easy and effective way to get Sharpie out of Converse shoes.

To start, gather a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Squeeze a generous amount of toothpaste onto the Sharpie mark and use the toothbrush to gently scrub the area.

The toothpaste will act as a mild abrasive to help lift the Sharpie from the shoe.

Keep scrubbing until the Sharpie is gone.

Once the Sharpie is removed, use a wet cloth to clean the area and let the shoe dry.

Its important to note that you should avoid using toothpaste with additives like baking soda or hydrogen peroxide as these can be too abrasive and may damage the shoes material.

Stick to plain white toothpaste for best results.

If the Sharpie mark is still not coming off after a few minutes of scrubbing, try the rubbing alcohol method below.

Cleaning Solution Method

The cleaning solution method is a great way to remove Sharpie from Converse shoes without relying on harsh chemicals.

To make the cleaning solution, all you need to do is mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a bowl.

Once the solution is ready, apply a generous amount to the affected area of the shoe and use a soft cloth to gently scrub the Sharpie off.

For tougher stains, you may have to repeat this process several times before the stain is completely gone.

Once the Sharpie is removed, be sure to rinse the area with warm water and let the shoe air dry completely before wearing.

This method is particularly useful for shoes that have been washed and are still showing signs of Sharpie.

The vinegar solution will help break down the ink and make it easier to remove.

Tips for Preventing Future Stains

Its always best to prevent future Sharpie stains on Converse shoes, rather than having to deal with them after the fact. Here are a few tips for keeping your Converse shoes looking sharp and stain-free:

-Make sure to always store your Converse shoes in a cool, dry place. This will help to prevent any moisture or humidity from coming into contact with the shoes, which can cause Sharpie ink to smudge or bleed.

-If youre going to be wearing your Converse shoes in wet conditions, consider spraying them with a waterproofing product. This will help to protect the material from getting stained with Sharpie ink.

-If youre going to be wearing your Converse shoes around people who might be carrying Sharpies, its a good idea to keep a cloth or towel handy. This way, you can quickly wipe off any ink that may come into contact with your shoes.

-Make sure to always inspect your Converse shoes before and after you wear them. If you spot any Sharpie stains, you can quickly take action to remove them.

Alternatives to Home Remedies

If home remedies like rubbing alcohol, toothpaste, and white vinegar aren’t doing the trick, there are some other alternatives you can try.

For example, you can use a product specifically designed to remove Sharpie from fabric, such as Mr.

Clean Magic Eraser.

To use this product, simply wet the Magic Eraser and gently rub the Sharpie off the fabric.

You can also use a harsher chemical, such as acetone or nail polish remover, but be sure to wear protective gloves and use these chemicals in a well-ventilated area.

If youre still having trouble removing the Sharpie, you can try using a pumice stone to gently scrub the area.

The pumice stone should be used in small, circular motions to remove the Sharpie without damaging the fabric.

If youre still unable to get the Sharpie out, you may need to take the shoes to a professional cleaner.


Sharpie stains on Converse shoes are a common problem, but fortunately, there are easy solutions that can help you get the stain out without damaging your shoes. Here are some frequently asked questions about getting Sharpie out of Converse shoes:

Q: Is it safe to use rubbing alcohol to remove Sharpie from Converse shoes?

A: Yes, rubbing alcohol is a safe and effective way to remove Sharpie from your Converse shoes. Simply apply a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol to the Sharpie mark and scrub gently. This should help to lift the stain.

Q: Does toothpaste work to get Sharpie out of Converse shoes?

A: Yes, toothpaste is an effective way to get Sharpie out of Converse shoes. Simply apply a generous amount of toothpaste to the Sharpie mark and gently scrub with a toothbrush. This should help to lift the stain.

Q: How can I clean the area once the Sharpie is gone?

A: Once the Sharpie is gone, you should clean the area with a wet cloth and let the shoe dry. You can also use a cleaning solution made from equal parts white vinegar and water to remove any remaining residue.

Q: Are there any other tips or tricks to get Sharpie out of Converse shoes?

A: If the above methods dont work, you can try using a mixture of baking soda and water. Simply mix together baking soda and water until you create a paste, then apply the paste to the Sharpie mark and let it sit for a few minutes. Once the paste has dried, gently scrub away the stain with a damp cloth.

Final Thoughts

Removing Sharpie from Converse shoes doesn’t have to be a daunting task.

With the right materials and a little bit of patience, you can quickly and easily get your shoes looking good as new.

For best results, make sure to always prevent future stains by keeping your shoes away from writing utensils.

If at-home remedies don’t work, there are professional cleaning services that specialize in removing Sharpie stains.

Now that you know how to get Sharpie out of Converse shoes, be sure to give these tips a try the next time you have a stubborn stain!

James Dylan

James is a journalist who specializes in sports journalism. In addition to his passion for writing, he also loves running. He knows which shoes are best for running and which are ideal for sports. He is happy to offer valuable advice on shoe-related matters.

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