How To Clean Hiking Boots Smell? (4 Ways To Do It)

If you love to take long hikes in the great outdoors, you know that having the right pair of boots is essential.

But with the wear and tear of regular use, those boots can start to smell.

Don’t worry – you can keep your hiking boots smelling fresh with the right techniques.

In this article, we’ll show you 4 easy steps to clean away the smell and keep your boots in perfect condition.

We’ll discuss pre-cleaning preparation, removing dirt and mud, scrubbing the inside, and cleaning with soap and water.

We’ll also show you how to neutralize the smell with vinegar and water, as well as how to keep your boots dry between trips.

Read on to learn how to clean your hiking boots and keep them smelling fresh!

Short Answer

The best way to clean hiking boots and remove any odor is to first scrub them with a stiff brush and warm, soapy water.

Then, fill a bucket or basin with cold water and add a few teaspoons of baking soda to it.

Soak the boots in the mixture for several hours, then rinse them off and let them air dry.

Finally, sprinkle some baking soda inside the boots to absorb any remaining odors.

Pre-Cleaning Preparation

Before you begin cleaning your hiking boots, it is important to do some preparation.

First, remove any dirt and mud from the outside of the boots.

This will help to ensure that you dont spread the dirt and mud inside of the boots when you are cleaning them.

You can use a soft brush to remove caked on dirt and mud, or use a damp cloth for lighter soiling.

Next, use a stiff brush to scrub the inside of the boots.

This will help to remove any debris that may have been lodged in the fabric or seams of the boots.

Once you have completed this step, you can move on to cleaning the outside of the boots.

Finally, make sure that you have all the necessary materials on hand.

You will need a mild soap, a soft brush, a damp cloth, a bucket, warm water, and a clean cloth for drying.

Now that youve completed the pre-cleaning preparation, youre ready to start cleaning your hiking boots and getting rid of the smell.

Remove Dirt and Mud

When it comes to cleaning your hiking boots, the first step is to remove any dirt and mud from the outside of the boots.

This is important to do before attempting to clean the inside of the boots, as the dirt and mud can make the cleaning process more difficult.

You can use a damp cloth, soft brush, or even a vacuum to remove any dirt and mud from your boots.

Be sure to use gentle strokes to avoid damaging the material of the boots.

Once the dirt and mud is removed, you are ready to start cleaning the inside of the boots.

Scrub the Inside of the Boots

When it comes to getting rid of the smell of your hiking boots, it is important to take the time to scrub the inside of the boots.

This is the area that will trap the most odors, so it is important to give it special attention.

Using a stiff brush and some warm water, give the insides of the boots a thorough scrubbing.

This will remove any dirt and debris that may have accumulated in the crevices and nooks of the boots.

If you have access to a hose, you can spray the inside of the boots with water to help loosen any debris and make it easier to scrub away.

Once you have finished scrubbing, use a clean cloth to dry the inside of the boots before proceeding to the next step.

This will ensure that you dont leave any residual moisture in the boots that could contribute to bad odors.

Clean the Boots with Soap and Water

When it comes to cleaning hiking boots, the first step is to remove any dirt and mud from the outside of the boots.

This can be done using a brush and some warm water.

Once the boots are free of any dirt and grime, use a mild soap and warm water to clean them.

Gently scrub the inside of the boots with a brush to remove any odor-causing bacteria.

Make sure to rinse the boots thoroughly and then dry them with a clean cloth.

This will help to eliminate any remaining bacteria and keep your boots smelling fresh and clean.

Dry the Boots with a Clean Cloth

When it comes to cleaning hiking boots, it is important to dry them with a clean cloth after cleaning.

This will help to ensure that all of the dirt and debris is removed from the outside of the boots.

Drying the boots with a clean cloth also helps to prevent any water or moisture from seeping into the seams or stitching of the boots.

This can help to extend the life of the boots and keep them looking and smelling fresh for longer.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that the cloth is lint-free, as lint can easily get trapped inside the boots and make them smell worse.

Finally, make sure to dry the boots completely before storing them, as any residual moisture can cause mold or mildew to form in the boots.

Neutralize the Smell with Vinegar and Water

When it comes to neutralizing the smell of your hiking boots, vinegar and water is a great solution.

To use this method, mix together equal parts of white vinegar and warm water.

Place your boots in the mixture, making sure to ensure the water fully covers them.

Let the boots sit in the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse them off with warm water.

This will help to neutralize the smell and leave your boots smelling fresh.

Dry the boots with a clean cloth, and they’ll be ready to hit the trails.

This method is safe to use on leather and synthetic materials, and can be used to help keep your boots smelling fresh between trips.

Keep Boots Dry between Trips

When it comes to keeping your hiking boots smelling fresh and clean, an important step is to keep them dry between trips.

This can be accomplished by stuffing the boots with newspaper and replacing it every few days.

The newspaper can absorb any moisture, sweat, or dirt that may have been left behind after cleaning.

Additionally, the newspaper can help preserve the shape of the boots while theyre not in use, as well as help keep the material soft and supple.

As an extra precaution, you can also stuff the boots with baking soda or cedar chips.

These materials will help absorb any odor-causing bacteria and keep the boots smelling fresh.

Additionally, you can place a small packet of activated charcoal or silica gel in the boots to help absorb any additional moisture and prevent mildew from growing.

Finally, you can use a shoe deodorizer spray to help mask any unpleasant odors.

Be sure to spray the boots from a distance and to avoid spraying any leather material, as it can damage the material and leave a white residue.

By taking these steps, it will be easier to keep your hiking boots smelling fresh and clean.

Regular maintenance and cleaning will also help extend the life of your boots, so take the time to invest in their upkeep.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning your hiking boots properly is essential to keeping them smelling fresh and clean.

With a few steps, you can easily remove dirt and mud, scrub the inside of the boots, clean them with soap and water, dry them with a clean cloth, and neutralize the smell with a mixture of vinegar and water.

Finally, make sure to keep your boots dry between trips by stuffing them with newspaper and replacing it every few days.

By following these steps, you will ensure that your hiking boots will stay smelling fresh and clean for your next outdoor adventure.

James Dylan

James is a journalist who specializes in sports journalism. In addition to his passion for writing, he also loves running. He knows which shoes are best for running and which are ideal for sports. He is happy to offer valuable advice on shoe-related matters.

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