Why Are Running Shoes So Ugly? (COMPLETE EXPLANATIONS 2024)

Why Are Running Shoes So Ugly

Running shoes are a must-have for anybody who follows an exercise routine. They help you keep active regardless of the terrain or weather.

They are often designed to be essential indefinitely and aid in avoiding injury. 

The truth is that the design of these running sneakers is not especially appealing. Why are running shoes so ugly?

There are various reasons for the form of these sneakers. If you are curious, let’s scroll down this article to learn more!

Why Are Running Shoes So Ugly? 

Below are the most common reasons why your running shoes are not attractive.

Running Shoes Have Developed Into A More Complicated Product

Running shoes looked extremely basic a few decades ago. Few customers purchased them since not many people take up running.

Uppers, outsoles, and laces were all part of this footwear. They were also available in a variety of colors.

Later on, sporting activities boomed all over the world. Increased runners mean more demand for these sneakers from various manufacturers.

As a result, the shoe market became increasingly competitive and crowded.

Besides, shoe manufacturers had to figure out how to make every design stand out from the crowd, including those in their collections.

It is a type of marketing strategy called product differentiation. So, these shoes have gotten more technologically advanced, with modern features.

Perhaps shoemakers use outlandish design features and technology to highlight the complexity of a shoe.

The products get more complicated

Shoes Must Grasp Your Attention In A Crazy-Crowded Marketplace

Shoe manufacturers get involved in a fierce, no-holds-barred competition for attention.

They experiment with deployment stripes, bumps, grids, cuts, panels, layers, studs, welts, grooves, ridges, logos, text, icons, and rare hues.

Running Shoes’ Appearance Is A Secondary Concern

The third limiting aspect is that the looks of a particular pair of running sneakers are not as significant as the whole running experience.

Most runners would rather stay with footwear that feels good for their feet while running or walking.

Even after testing on hundreds of footwears, runners tend to stick with a style that fits their style.All the runners’ concern is the potential risks a pair of footwear may cause harm to your feet rather than its appearance.

Appearance is not vital

The Cost Of A Running Shoe Is Influential

Pricing is also another critical aspect. These sneakers are available in a variety of high quality, with prices ranging from around $70 up to $120.

While being modern is important, low-end footwear should also have some elegance and symbol, showing that innovation was utilized in the design.

The color components, embellishments, and logos rise in value with the products.

Models with more features are better. In the running, the potential to perform more may result in specific compromised aesthetics.

The runner, the absence of aesthetic attention, and the price structure all make a contribution to eye-catching sneakers.

Nevertheless, it does not imply the tendency will continue. Many shoe reviewers have emphasized the subdued hues.

How To Maintain The Appearance Of Your Running Shoes?

Even if your shoes are high-end, they will get ineffective and worn out over time.

The glove-like bracing will stretch, the springy movement will become soft and sluggish, or the rubber bottom may lose its traction.

Below are ways to make your footwear long-lasting. Let’s take a closer look!

Carefully Remove Them.

It’s best to spend time undoing and removing the laces from your sneakers.

It will be more convenient to slide them off using the other foot. The stretch causes a lot of strain on the shoe laces and collar.

As a result, your footwear tends to stretch or lose its form, which means that your shoes may no longer suit after a particular time.

Carefully remove laces

Use Them Only For Running.

You may want to wear your favorite shoes for any event due to their comfort and convenience. However, it’s best to use them only for running.

The cushioning components will disintegrate significantly faster if you wear them every day. As a result, you will earn less mileage from them.

Never Use Them Just For Cross-Training.

These sneakers are intended to enable you to go straight. Thus, they are not suitable for other exercise types. 

For instance, boot camp workouts require many activities and movements. 

Therefore, they will cause your footwear to get worn out slightly quicker and more degraded.

Only used for running

Keep A Comfortable Temperature For Them.

Extreme heat exposure might damage the adhesive that keeps your footwear together to deteriorate.

As a result, sections of your footwear may wear off or delaminate. Heat exposure can also make the top substance shrink, causing the sneakers to feel improper.

Thus, it would be best if you did not keep your footwear at temperatures that make you feel uncomfortable.

Clean And Dry Them Thoroughly.

These shoes may not necessarily wear out faster if not maintained tidy. However, they will degrade faster if you clean and dry them properly.

As shared earlier, footwear can’t suffer extreme heat. 

That’s why it’s best to leave your sneakers to dry thoroughly at room temperature instead of placing them in a dryer or near a heating system.

Remove the shoe sock liner and insert a couple of pieces of newspaper inside the hollow to absorb excess moisture and make the drying procedure quicker.

If you don’t have any newspapers, you may use coffee filters or tissue paper.

Clean and dry properly

Have Extra Pairs On Hand In Case One Fails.

Most sneakers are foam-cushioned to some extent.

The cushion in the footwear automatically compresses while you run, cushioning impact and keeping you feeling comfortable.

If you use your shoes every day, the foam may absorb minimal shock as it gets more permanently compacted with time.

Switch your regular footwear with at minimum one different pair of sneakers to guarantee that the foam in the sneakers lasts longer.

It’ll also allow all pairs of footwear some breathing time to deflate and enable the cushion to recover to its natural form and size.

Rotating the sneakers allows them to dry completely. This technique is crucial if you reside in a damp or humid region where the footwear is regularly saturated.

How To Choose The Right Running Shoes? 

When you step into a running shop, you will be overwhelmed with a vibrant wall displaying hundreds of shoes.

Without a doubt, selecting the best-suited shoe among various options is difficult. The following tips will be helpful for your purchase.

1. Select a pair of running-specific shoes: 

  • These shoes might resemble other types of footwear, but they feature unique technology that allows you to run faster.
  • Running involves your foot striking the terrain similarly with every step.
  • This footwear type is intended to protect the wearer from injuries caused by repeated motion by providing appropriate cushioning to improve shock absorption.

2. Choose the best size:

A pair of running shoes will help you have a better running experience and reduce potential risks. 

Here are some tricks to choosing the best-suited size:

  • Try on some sneakers at the end of the day
  • Allow a thumb’s width after your heels.
  • Don’t pinch or slide
  • Find the proper width

3. Choosing the best running shoe type: 

  • You should select your footwear based on the kind of exercise you intend to practice.
Extra tips


Is It True That Ugly Running Shoes Are Better?

The short answer is no. Unattractiveness is a matter of aesthetics. It doesn’t affect the quality of your footwear. 

What Is The Most Crucial Factor To Consider When Purchasing A Running Shoe?

When buying a new pair, consider the criteria below:

  • Excess Toe Length: Focus on a gap the size of a thumbnail between the shoes’ end and the longest toe.
  • Sufficient Toe Width: Blisters result from squished-in toes. Ensure there is ample wiggle area inside your toe box.
  • No Seams: Seek a seamless top that fits snugly around your foot.
  • Right Arch: The arch must follow the contours of the foot. You may have to equip an insert with a more tailored fit.
  • Hold Your Heel: Before purchasing, ensure the heel remains in place. Discover by taking a short walk around the shop.
  • Feel Firm: It will have greater spring-back, reducing pressure on the anchoring muscles.
  • Flexes Right: To promote a natural pace, it should flex in the same spot as the foot.

How Long Do You Expect Your Running Shoes To Last?

This type of footwear may last approximately four to six months. According to experts, you should invest in a new pair every 500-750 kilometers.

Running shoes lifespan

In A Nutshell

This article has eventually got to the bottom of your headache question: Why are running shoes so ugly? There are reasons for the unattractiveness of this type of footwear.

These sneakers are getting complex; the manufacturers want to call attention to the market, the runners don’t look for aesthetics in these sneakers, or the cost affects the design. 

Hopefully, this post will be helpful for you. Thanks for reading!

James Dylan

James is a journalist who specializes in sports journalism. In addition to his passion for writing, he also loves running. He knows which shoes are best for running and which are ideal for sports. He is happy to offer valuable advice on shoe-related matters.

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